Bookseller Catalogs

Elist 43 ~ Antipodean Books at the Brooklyn Virtual Book Fair

By Antipodean Books, Maps & Prints, David & Cathy Lilburne

Elist 43 ~ Antipodean Books at the Brooklyn Virtual Book Fair A sample of items we will exhibit ~
Pamphlets related to the events in 1887 leading to the Hawaiian "Bayonet Constitution"; an archive of WWI American ambulance driver with captured German photographs & ephemera; a manuscript Royal pardon signed by King George IV, 1828 for a convict transported to Tasmania; eleven 19th c. Peruvian watercolors of "La Tapada Limeña"; Soochow city guides, with manuscript additions and vernacular albumen photographs, 1888; New York Views; the 1st attempt at recording day to day life in the city, 1831; a gift binding of Stephen Fosters' Nelly was a Lady, 1895, unrecorded on OCLC; Calli e Canali in Venezia, 100 heliogravure plates of Venice, 1892; Brooklyn items.

Inquiries or orders are welcome by calling (+1) 845-424-3867, 914-456-9698 & & our website. We are happy to accommodate the needs of our institutional customers.

Elist 44 ~ W.W.I., Americana, Australia, Photographs, Maps, Ephemera

By Antipodean Books, Maps & Prints, David & Cathy Lilburne

Elist 44 ~ W.W.I., Americana, Australia, Photographs, Maps, Ephemera

67 items including a bound collection of Apollo 11 NASA photographs with Neil Armstrong’s cut signature; an archive of a W.W.I American ambulance driver, John Platt, of Westfield, NJ, 47 items; Baron Von Mueller’s “The Vegetation of the Chatham-Islands”, inscribed to Governor La Trobe; Diary of George Washington, NY 1860 with a presentation inscription locating Washington’s 13th diary, listed as “Missing or not kept” in the LOC census; The Goat and the Kangaroos in a scarce edition of Aesop’s Fables, 1829; 27 American newspaper accounts of Napoleon & the Napoleonic Wars, 1798 to 1857; Vandermaelen maps of Exmouth & Broome, W.A., 1827; silk embroidered landscapes, likely from the Connecticut River Valley, 1800-40; large format images, Calli e Canali in Venezia, 1892; 27 images of Beato’s Egypt, 1870; The Voice of the I Am, Depression-era California cult periodicals, 1936-46.

Books, Maps, Print, Ephemera, Photographs, etc.

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